TBA Stud Start

Thoroughbred Breeders Australia | Statement Of Attainment | 6 Weeks


Course Description

Stud Start provides an opportunity for people wanting a career change who are interested in pursuing a job in the thoroughbred breeding industry.

It is a six-week program that begins with online learning and finishes with a week-long intensive teaching block in Scone, NSW. All tuition costs are covered for successful applicants.

During the week in Scone students will take part in practical, hands-on learning with horses, as well as classroom teaching. Other activities include farm visits, hearing from expert speakers and a careers night where trainees will learn about the different roles in breeding.

Stud Start involves formal study and trainees will complete three accredited units from the Certificate III in Horse Breeding. All participants who finish Stud Start will have the opportunity to continue studying the other units in the Certificate III and receive a formal qualification.

The aim of the program is to provide those taking part with the basic skills and knowledge to start their journey in the industry’s workforce and also provide connections to help trainees find their first job.

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ABOUT Thoroughbred Breeders Australia

Thoroughbred Breeders Australia (TBA) is the national peak body established for the benefit of the Australian thoroughbred breeding industry, which is the second largest in the world.


Second only to America in terms of our thoroughbred horse population, the number of mares (21,500) and stallions (700) in Australia dwarfs that in other established breeding countries such as the UK, Ireland, Japan and New Zealand.


TBA has a membership base of 4,200 individual breeders and other industry participants, and is also the parent company of the six state breeders’ associations.


Our members are at the heart of their rural communities, providing employment, investment and supporting a wide range of related professions.


Breeders are conscious of the need to work sustainably on their land, ensuring future generations’ ability to do the same.


We are funded through a small levy (0.35 per cent) paid by vendors on all thoroughbreds sold at auction.



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