*POSITION FILLED* Yearling Prep Stud & Stable Hand Position – Start 10th Feb 2025

Bowness Stud and Watershed Farm | full-time
Riverina Murray, NSW

Job Description
Bowness Stud and Watershed Farm (near Young, NSW) require an experienced and confident horse handlers of young thoroughbred horses, to start now.
The role involves yearling sale preparation (teaching young unbroken thoroughbred horses to walk out and stand for sale parades), grooming, washing, feeding, medicating, cleaning yards and stables plus checking horses wellbeing. Must show previous experience with horses and references on resume. An honest, hardworking and enthusiastic team player preferred.
See some of our staff profiles and what it is like working with us:
Staff profile 1: https://youtu.be/I8eUdJY0tks
Staff profile 2: https://youtu.be/W5Ay9PidrHQ
Be able to walk yearlings in open spaces:
Accommodation is available. On farm we employ up to 8 backpackers at a time. This position counts towards 2nd & 3rd Yr Visa extensions. Must be available to work for minimum 4-6 months. Email resume to office@bownessstud.com.au.
ABOUT Bowness Stud and Watershed Farm